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11 Things to know when working on a cruise ship

Submitted by jozo on

In many aspects, the so-called ship life is quite different from any land-based environment. Here are some challenges people working on cruise ships are experiencing on a daily basis. Some of them sound funny but this is the ship life reality.

You know you are working on a cruise ship when the chef who makes you amazing food is a part-time barber who also cuts hair. The only problem is the barbershop is located in the crew corridor.

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You know you are working on a cruise ship when your underwear mysteriously disappears when you put it in the crew laundry drier.

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You know you are working on a cruise ship when you can’t sleep because your next door neighbor is doing chiki-chiki every night

You know you are working on a cruise ship when you set on your alarm clock each time for the next shift.

You know you are working on a cruise ship when your cabin phone ringing’s and you stress because you know it’s your supervisor who will tata-taka because you made some bu-bu.

You know you are working on a cruise ship when you pinch food from the guest buffet and hide it in a plastic glove so you can later enjoy it in your cabin.

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You know you are working on a cruise ship when you wake up confused  in your windowless cabin not knowing if it’s a day or not thinking “I’m late for duty.”

You know you are working on a cruise ship when your biggest challenge when going outside in port is to find free Wi-Fi.

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You know you are working on a cruise ship when your biggest wish is to get the bottom bunk bed ASAP.

You know you are working on a cruise ship when you refer to the left and right side to port and starboard.

You know you are working on a cruise ship when you use ship language back home such as bomboklat, zemo, paisa, banana, jebo te, mamagaio, sapo.

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