The cruise ship Aida Blu aided a small yacht overcrowded with refugees off the coast of Sicily on Monday. The yacht, carrying approximately 40 refugees, approached the cruise ship and was secured alongside Aida Blu. A spokesperson for Aida Cruises addressed the situation, stating that the captain had previously been asked to provide emergency assistance by the Italian authorities.
The refugees were provided with life jackets and provisions but were unable to board the cruise ship due to safety concerns. "The people on the sailing yacht were not in immediate danger of losing their lives, and the situation remained under control throughout the rescue operation," said an Aida spokesperson.
As time passed, the Italian Coast Guard arrived on the scene, taking over the responsibility of assisting the overwhelmed sailing yacht and its occupants. The refugees were subsequently transferred to a safer vessel, ensuring their well-being and allowing them to continue their journey.
The following video showing the yacht approaching Aida Blu, was posted on social media.
Exklusiv bei RTL/ntv: Das Kreuzfahrtschiff #Aida Blu rettet Flüchtlinge aus Seenot. Östlich von Sizilien auf dem #Mittelmeer https://t.co/bZZp2Z710K pic.twitter.com/OrqGN22fTZ
— Lukas Wilhelm (@wilhluk) October 2, 2023