Carnival Cruise Line plans to use more cruise ships in order to bring back as many as possible crew members back home. After the company put in action the plan to repatriate Filipino and Indonesian crew from Carnival Splendor and Spirit, now an additional five Carnival ships will be used to expatriate the crew home. The cruise ships will sail to Asia, North America, South America, Central America, and Europe where thousands of team members will return home safely.
The cruise blog I Like Cruise Ships reports that Carnival is in the process of group crew members by regions and transferring them from one ship to another in order to take home as many people as possible in each country.
This is a huge logistical process due to the fact that the crew members are from 60 plus countries from around the world and they are located on different cruise ships. Therefore all crew will need to be ready to receive their travel arrangements and transfer to another ship. The crew transfer from one ship to another might be by air or bus depending on the location of the crew and the ship. At present details are limited when the cruise ships will set sail as planning is still in action.
Carnival plans to use the following ships to expatriate the crew back home:
Carnival Panorama will depart from Long Beach, California on April 18, and set sail to the Philippines and Indonesia.
Carnival Glory will set sail to Latin America, with stops in the Caribbean, Central America including countries on the Northern parts of South America.
Carnival Breeze will sail to Central, North and South Africa, along with ports in Western Europe and Central Asia.
Carnival Magic will sail to the Mediterranean and Eastern Europe debarking the crew in many coastal cities as possible.
Carnival Fantasy will sail in North and South America bringing the crew from these regions back home.