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Cheating or Staying Fateful on a Cruise Ship?

Submitted by jozo on
12 years 6 months ago

Working six to eight months away from home can put a crew member in temptation involving in a romantic relationship. Never the less we can choose to get involved in a relationship or be fateful to our loved ones back home. But before you do you need to ask yourself one question: How would you feel and what will you do in a situation when  you finish your contract and go back home you find your wife/husband in a bed with another person?  Most of you will say: On a cruise ship they cant find out. You cant be more wrong. There is zero privacy on a cruise ship, its like a small village where everybody knows everything. For sure you have your paisanos working on a same ship with you and next thing you know your paisanos publish a photo of you with your lover on facebook that your wife/husband sees and then you get big banana. Its not like the good old days when you didn’t had iphone, digital camera. Today news travels fast and if you make kaka next thing you know your wife/husband files for divorce or your girlfriend/boyfriend left you. This has happened many times on a cruise ships and crew members ask for emergency to go back home to sort things out. Most of the times you will not see them any more on a cruise ship:)

There are also one night stands and open relationships. Today a crew member is with you next day is with someone else.  There is rarely time for romance since life on a ship is fast and unlike back home there is no first date, second date … Usually if you invite a crew member you like in your cabin and if he/she comes… well that’s it.

Officers and managers have more privileges and more time to flirt. They do not share cabin with anybody and almost everybody likes a woman/man with stripes. Crew members have less time and share cabin but this doesn’t mean they do not involve in a relationships. Swapping rooms, sending your roommate in crew bar are some of the improvisations that they do in order to be alone with their lovers.

What do you think about cheating on a cruise ship?

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