New cruise ships are launching each year and the Cruise Lines are refurbishing the old ones investing millions during the dry dock renovations. In this highly competitive market, it is hard to believe that a cruise ship crew areas and facilities can be left in such a poor condition that crew can no longer stay and quit because of low living standards. According to a crew member wishing to remain anonymous, the life and work for the crew onboard the cruise ship, Vaco Da Gama is a living hell.
“I would like to share an inside story about GLOBEL CRUISE LINE 'S. CMV VASCO DA GAMA, I would like you to keep my identity confidential, this ship used to be under P & O Australia former Pacific Eden. For the last two months its been operated by Global Cruise Line. Crew life here onboard is a hell of a life, no proper meal service, no crew facilities, and nasty ship. I'm not making the complaint I would like to send some pics so people will be aware of this ship. We, the crew deserve a better life than this, after being in the worst situation I had to quit because every crew works hard to take care of their family that doesn’t mean we should be living life like this.” Says the crew member.
The following video sent by the crew member shows all malfunctioning and outdated equipment in the crew areas onboard Vasco Da Gama.
The ship was built in 1992 and sailed for Holland America Line and P & O Australia. On April 23, 2019, the vessel was handed over to CMV and went to dry dock, however, it looks like the company didn’t invest much in the crew areas.
“Crew cabins on that ship are not maintained, most of the cabin hand washing sink drain stinks, and mosquitos were there in the cabin, and crew has to go out of the cabin to use toilet and shower. Common toilets are there I understand for men crew but ladies have to go out of the cabin for a shower and walk through the corridor to get back to their cabin, there were 2 laundry machine and 2 dryers, in deck 2 staircase but both of them not working properly. Water is leaking from everywhere and housekeeping staff vacuuming the water out very often. In the crew mess food was horrible they used to cook rice, curry, pasta, and roasted potatoes or boiled veg, and leftover bread pudding, this used to be the same menu almost 4 days a week. No fresh fruit only at night if guest left over they put in the crew mess. Milk in the mess they put once the mess open in the morning one time if that over never used to refill again.” Says the crew member.
The crew member has sent us many photos from the crew areas showing rusted equipment and poorly maintained facilities. Here are some of the photos.
“There is no job Description given to the low ranked crew, whatever supervisor says they have to do. I noticed something funny and disturbing is that galley crew paint the galley drains themselves which supposed to be done by DECK (BOSUN ) Department, and galley cleaners don't get proper PPE. They spray chemical without a respirator, these deadly chemicals can cause lung damage. Why a crew member has to damage their health to make the company grow .”