Welcome to the place where dream vacations are made a reality; where people from all around the world make up a little unique culture by working and living together. We hear this most of the times about the cruise ships and the cruise ship industry, but what we rarely hear about are the dark and devastating numbers of people who have taken their last cruise not by choice. These people boarded a ship by themselves, using their two feet, but exited the ship in a body bag. So lets take a walk down memory lane of reality and burst a couple of bubbles which some people have about the vacationing, living, and working on a cruise ship. Lets take off the pink sunglasses and see the reality that accidents and death does happen in paradise, after all.
After researching the statistics of death tolls aboard the cruise ships, the numbers may be a little surprising to all. Bellow the text there is a chart for visual presentation of the death tolls aboard some of the most popular worldly renown cruise ships and following is a little explanation of the same. Costa Concordia is a single ship with most death tolls on a single cruise, but Costa Cruises does not hold the first place for total death tolls as a company. This title goes to Carnival Cruise Lines with total of 68 deaths of crew members and guests. Three of Carnival's ships have death toll of 7 people Carnival Inspiration, Carnival Liberty, Carnival Miracle. Only five of the Carnival Cruise ships are without incidents of mortality and those are as follows: Magic, Glory, Freedom, Carnival, and Carnival. MSC cruises is the company with best record. This company deserves this title with only three deaths in their entire fleet along with Disney Cruises who have two deaths.
These numbers will most certainly not sway people from vacationing or working on these cruise ships or companies, but it should open the eyes to all people in respecting the motto which should be applicable on every floater “safety first.”
Carnival Cruise linesDeath tolls
Carnival Celebration 1
Carnival Conquest 2
Carnival Destiny 5
Carnival Ecstasy 2
Carnival Elation 3
Carnival Fantasy 5
Carnival Fascination 5
Carnival Festivale 1
Carnival Holiday 1
Carnival Imagination 3
Carnival Inspiration 7
Carnival Legend 3
Carnival Liberty 7
Carnival Miracle 7
Carnival Paradise 1
Carnival Pride 2
Carnival Sensation 2
Carnival Spirit 1
Carnival Spendor 1
Carnival Triumph 4
Carnival Valor 2
Carnival Victory 3
TOTAL death tolls on Carnival Cruise lines 68
Death tolls Costa Cruises
Costa Atlantica 1
Costa Concordia 28
Costa Magica 1
Costa Mediterranea 1
TOTAL death tolls on Costa Cruises 31
Death tolls on Royal Caribbean Cruise lines
Adventure Of The Seas 1
Allure Of The Seas 1
Brilliance Of The Seas 2
Enchantment Of The Seas 1
Explorer Of The Seas 1
Freedom Of The Seas 1
Grandeur Of The Seas 1
Jewel Of The Seas 1
Liberty Of The Seas 2
Majesty Of The Seas 2
Mariner Of The Seas 2
Oasis Of The Seas 1
Song Of America 1
Vision Of The Seas 1
Voyager Of The Seas 1
TOTAL death tolls on Raoyal Caribbean Cruise lines 19
Death tolls on NCL
Norwegian Dawn 1
Norwegian Dream 1
Norwegian Epic 1
Norwegian Jewel 2
Norwegian Majesty 1
Norwegian Pearl 3
Norwegian Sky 3
TOTAL death tolls on NCL 12
Death tolls on Princess Cruises
Caribbean Princess 3
Coral Princess 1
Golden Princess 2
Grand Princess 1
Regal Princess 1
Star Princess 2
Sapphire Princess 1
TOTAL death tolls on Princess cruises 11
Death tolls on P&O
P&O Arcadia 1
P&O Oceana 1
P&O Oriana 1
P&O Pacific Sky 3
P&O Pacific Sun 1
TOTAL death tolls on P&O 7
Death tolls on Hollan America
Noordam 1
Pride Of America 1
Rotterdam 2
Veendam 1
Zaandam 1
TOTAL death tolls on Hollan America 6
Death tolls on Celebrity Cruises
Celebrity Century 1
Celebrity Constellation 1
Celebrity Mercury 2
Celebrity Solstice 1
TOTAL death tolls on Celebrity Cruises 5
Death tolls on Cunard
Cunard Sagafjord 1
Cunard Vasari 1
Queen Mary 1
Queen Mary 2 1
TOTAL death tolls on Cunard 4
Death tolls on MSC Cruises
MSC Musica 1
MSC Opera 1
MSC Splendida 1
TOTAL death tolls on MSC 3
Death tolls on Star Cruises
Superstar Aquarius 1
Superstar Libra 1
Superstar Virgo 1
TOTAL death tolls on Star Cruises 3
Death tolls on Louis Cruise Lines
Sea Diamond 2
Death tolls on Disney Cruiese
Disney Magic 1
Disney Wonder 1
Source: www.cruiseshipdeaths.com