On January 6, 2017 the Coalition for Donald Trump Victory Cruise is scheduled to set sail from Miami to the Bahamas on the cruise ship Carnival Victory. The organizer of this event is Robert Jeter, an oil rig worker from Alaska, who volunteers as executive director of the Coalition for Trump. The Trump Victory Cruise is only $300 per person for a three-day trip to the Bahamas and fully refundable if Donald Trump loses, said Mr. Jeter when he started this initiative back in June. Robert Jeter was pretty sure Trump will win, and he was right. Jeter plans to get Tea Party activist Katrina Pierson on Carnival Victory as a special guest, and according to him Donald Trump might join the cruise. He has spoken to Carnival about getting extra security when Trump supporters board the ship saying “We’re not coming to Miami to start a riot, we just want to get on the ship.”
Jeter invitation on Donald Trump for President Facebook Fan Page says ” Coalition For Trump invites you to join us aboard "Victory". A 893 foot cruise ship with all meals included. Entertainment and special guest to be announced we also have a big surprise planned aboard. We set sail on Jan 6th from Miami for three nights to Nassau, Bahamas. We will be giving out Trump gear and memorabilia. Total cost is about 300.00 per person based on double occupancy all taxes included. Your 100.00 dollar deposit is 100% refundable until November 15th so in the unlikely event we lose the election you will get back all of your deposit. So book your cabin today for the best views and this will sell out fast. Use booking code 2RD4J6 you must give them that code when you call. Call Carnival Cruise Lines direct at 800-438-6744 punch in ext. 70232 and give them this code 2RD4J6 . Then choose the cabin you want. Pay deposit to Carnival directly. Fully refundable till November 15th. SEE YOU ABOARD”