Four crew members were rushed to hospital after a rescue boat fell from the cruise ship Norwegian Breakaway. The incident occurred in Bermuda Dockyard cruise terminal this afternoon while the cruise ship was docked. Police spokesman confirmed that a portside rescue boat had fallen from the NCL cruise ship Norwegian Breakaway resulting in four crew members falling into the water according to Bernews. According to the reports one crew member is in critical condition. All four crew were recovered after the fall and taken by the emergency personnel to King Edward VII Memorial Hospital. Bermuda Authorities are investigating the incident together with Norwegian Cruise Line representatives.
Bernews Released this video of the capsized rescue boat.
Norwegian Breakaway set sail from New York City, New York on 17. July, on a 7-Day Bermuda, round-trip. The ship arrived in Kings Wharf, Bermuda today at 8 a.m. The screenshot photo above, capturing the emergency personnel responding in front of NCL Breakaway is from the Bermuda Dockyard live webcam.
Update: With great sadness we like to inform you that one crew member died as a result of his injuries in the NCL rescue boat accident. The Bermuda Police reports that a 41 year old Filipino crew member who will not be identified until his next of kin are informed passed away.
Update: Deceased NCL Breakaway Crew Member identified - Click Here to read more
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As we wrote six months ago in the article Most Dangerous Areas on Cruise Ship for Crew, lowering equipment for lifeboats, liferafts and rescue boats is one of the most dangerous equipment on cruise ship. Many crew members have lost their lives during the emergency drills in the process of lowering life rafts and lifeboats due to faulty equipment and poor maintenance. Lifeboats are frequently used as tender boats when the cruise ship is anchored near the port in order for passengers and crew to be transported on land. In order to lower the tenders at least three sailors are in the lifeboat during the lowering procedure which is always potential life-threatening situation. After many lives lost maybe is time for the cruise lines to implement new safety procedures and onboard officers to increase the inspections of the lifeboat launching equipment because they are responsible for the safety of all crew members and passengers.
Here are some of the lifeboat accidents when crew members lost their lives.
July 28, 2015, NCL cruise ship Pride Of America. During a maintenance work in Hawaii two crew were injured after lifeboat cables gave way and the boat fell into the water from 15 meters.
February 10, 2013 onboard Thomason Majesty General Emergency and Life Boat Drill was conducted for all crew members only. During the hoisting of lifeboat the forward wire snapped. Shortly the lifeboat fell to the sea killing five crew members and injuring three.
May 30, 2012 Carnival cruise ship Carnival Dream, four crew members were injured while the wire of one of the lifeboats snapped during hoisting.
September 8, 2004 seven Royal Caribbean crew members were seriously injured on Empress Of The Seas, in a lifeboat incident while the cruise ship was docked in King’s Wharf Bermuda.