Robbery of a jewelry store took place in the Katakolon while Costa Pasifica was docked in this Greek port. In the time of the robbery there were hundreds of tourists who had come to the area with the Costa Pasifica.
Shortly after two o'clock a silver Ford Galaxy appeared and four masked men with Kalashnikovs entered the store.
After the perpetrators robed the store taking with them all the jewelry, they smashed the shop and shot at least ten times in the air causing panic among the locals and tourists.
Police officials say that they found the car abandoned and completely destroyed. Witnesses say that perpetrators were Greeks and spoke fluent Greek language. The manhunt to arrest the perpetrators of the robbery continues. Unconfirmed reports say that offenders went through the town of Amaliada while reports of a car engulfed in flames in the area push to the conclusion that it may be of the robbers to hide their tracks.