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Brazilian Police arrested crew member for drug smuggling

Brazilian police  arrested a crew member of the cruise ship MSC Preziosa. According to the head of the Federal Police office in Macaé, the crewmember who was working as a galley steward, was arrested for possession of  207 pins of cocaine and 16 bags of marijuana.

The ships security suspected that crewmember was involved in illegal activities and made a surprise inspection, in his cabin and found drug . The Federal Police was called and the arrest was made. To the sheriff, who told the young is Fortaleza, Ceará, and that worked for a month and 17 days for the company that manages the liner. It was the second time he worked on the ship. Also according to the delegate Julio Cezar, the cruise left Santos in Sao Paulo and its destination Ilha Grande, Angra dos Reis. The kitchen helper would have got through with the drug for the magazine that happens to employees who embark on cruises. The case is being investigated. 

MSC spokesman saidt'' identified irregularities in the cabin of a Brazilian crew, in a routine inspection, and immediately informed the Brazilian authorities, who in turn took appropriate action. The Company reiterates that it is fully cooperating with the authorities responsible for investigating and investigation of the case.''