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MSC Cruises Salaries for Cruise Ship Crew Departments

The following table represents salaries offered by MSC Cruises for crew members working in different departments. Depending of your previous working experience you may be offered one of the following positions with respective salary.

Usually in first contract crew members start with the lowest position and progress to the next depending of their onboard evaluation. 

MSC Cruises Galley Positions and Salaries  
Position Sallary Assignments / Descriprion
Bartender Assistant  US$ 1250.00 Assists the bartender in the bar organization and preparation ofcocktails and commands the bar boys and cleaning organization.
Bar Waiter US$ 1113,00 Direct care in the bars. Responsible for drinks delivery service
Bar Boy US$ 657,00 Assists in the stocking the bar. Cleaning, transport materials.
MSC Cruises Galley Positions and Salaries  
Position Sallary Assignments / Descriprion
1st. Cook US$ 1200,00 First cook. Assists the Executive Chef in the
team organization and command routine tasks.
2nd. Cook US$ 1000,00 Second cook. Assists in routine work
kitchen and help in organizing workers.
Assistant Cook US$ 835,00 Assists in the routine tasks of the kitchen.
Kitchen Utility US$ 657,00 Deep cleaning and sanitizing of the ship's kitchens
MSC Cruises Housekeeping Positions and Salaries  
Position Sallary Assignments / Descriprion
Hotel Cleaner US$ 1000,00 Caretaker of the passenger area. Working throughout the
 public areas, ensuring and
maintaining cleanliness at all times.
Pool Attendant US$ 1000,00 Cleaning, organizing chairs and towels, and other
Services in the pool area.
Cabin Stwd Assistant US$ 1000,00 Responsible for cleaning and maintenance of the bathrooms of the cabins and the material Work section.
Cabin Stwd FF  US$ 1200,00 Responsible for organizing and cleaning the cabins
passengers, minibar replenishment and organization of the section
Staff Cabin Stwd US$ 657,00 Responsible for organizing and cleaning the cabins
staff and organization of the section.
Officer Cabin Stwd US$ 657,00 Responsible for organization and cleanliness of the cabins
officers, spare minibar and organization of the section.
Crew Cleaner US$ 657,00 Responsible for areas intended for cleaning
crew, as crewbar, elevators and staircases and
MSC Cruises Restaurant Positions and Salaries  
Position Sallary Assignments / Descriprion
Waiter Assistant Utility US$ 1000,00 Waiter assistant Passenger restaurants.
Responsible for the organization and maintenance of equipment
Working his station and for search requests within
from the kitchen
Waiter FF US$ 1200,00 Waiter passengers' restaurants. Responsible
the direct care pax, and the services it targeted.
Buffet Boy US$ 1000,00 Care and cleaning of the pool restaurant
passengers, food replacement in lines and organization
the sector.
Officer Waiter US$ 657,00 Waiter vessel's officers. Responsible for cleaning and
organization of the officers' mess.
Staff Waiter US$ 657,00 The ship's waiter staffs. Responsible for cleaning and
organization of the cafeteria staffs.
Crew Mess Boy US$ 657,00 Responsible for cleaning, organizing and spare
food restaurant crew.
MSC Cruises Other Positions and Salaries  
Position Sallary Assignments / Descriprion
Doctor € 3.400,00 Takes care of the health of passengers and control
crew members and meets any emergency on board
Nurse US$ 1500,00 Assists physicians in the health control of passengers and
crew and in meeting the board of emergencies.
Hostess US$ 1500,00 It works at the reception of the ship or the Tour.You need
to speak at least three languages, as will be helping
passengers at all times