If you’re a bit the worse for wear from the night before, the best way to survive a full on sea day from hell is to:
1. Set 2 alarm clocks to make sure you don’t oversleep, which is easily done as most crew cabins are below the waterline and have no port holes or natural daylight.
2. Go and have breakfast, even if you don’t want it, you need to eat something and drink several cups of coffee to wake yourself up.
3. Leave enough time to have a shower before work, either before or after breakfast. It really helps, believe me you stink!
4. Don’t forget to clean your teeth and use mouthwash. Clears dog breath.
5. Use “Clear Eyes” or some other kind of eye drops to get rid of those blood shot eyes your looking through.
6. Keep the “Peptobismole” handy, just in case, a shot of the pink stuff can help if you’ve got dodgy guts.
7. Take a bottle of water with you to work, keep it handy as you’ll probably be dehydrated.
8. Don’t forget to keep a couple of headache tablets handy also.
9. Lunchtime, depending how much time off you get, spend about 15 minutes eating then go back to cabin for a power nap, a short sleep even for only 30 -45 minutes can really help recharge you.
10. Set your alarm clocks or get your cabin mate to wake up you when time is up.
11. Break times, if you get a chance go outside grab a coffee and get some fresh air, see daylight and soak up some sunshine.
12. Dinner time, as with lunch try and grab some kip after eating.
13. Get your second wind, the night has just begun and you’re still working.
14. Finish work, go to the crew bar, unwind with your friends and chill out.
Sea days - Love or hate them, they will make or break you, this is Cruise Ship Life....
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