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25.3 Million Passengers Expected to Cruise in 2017

Submitted by kgnadmin on

According to the data released by the Cruise Lines International Association (CLIA), 2017 will be good year for the cruise industry. CLIA expects 25.3 million cruise passengers next year, a figure 4.5% higher than in 2016. 

The data is based on the relationship between the annual increase in capacity and number of passengers. Next year, 26 new ocean and river cruise ships will be launched, and several shipowners announced that they are visiting Cuba for the first time, which should further increase the itineraries to the Caribbean. 

"The cruise industry is responding to this demand and we are very excited about both short-term and long-term prospects. From the deployment of new technologies to the construction of new ships, we are meeting the expectations of our travelers, this results in a stable growth and strong economic impact around the world, "said President and CEO of CLIA, Cindy D'Aoust. 

According to the prospects of the industry, worldwide expenditures generated by the cruise industry reached US $ 117 billion last year, and the total economic impact for the industry was $ 119.9 billion.