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WW2 Bomb Found and Destroyed Near the Cruise Port of Naples

Submitted by kgnadmin on

A bomb dating back to the World War 2 was found by a diver in the waters near the port of Naples. On December 23, a bomb disposal team of Navy divers intervened in the port of Naples to remove and destroy the bomb containing about 120 kg of TNT. According to the authorities the bomb was found just a few meters from the Angioino Pier, where large cruise ships usually dock. Naples Port authorities together with the Marina Militare secured the area which was off-limits for all maritime activities. 

The operation, which began at dawn, saw first the removal and neutralization of dangerous explosive device that was later transported to the area where it was destroyed safely about 3 miles off the port of Naples. At 10:18 a.m. the divers proceeded to activate the bomb that generated a considerable blast of water. The sophisticated equipment of the Vesuvius Observatory, was previously notified, and recorded the detonation. The reclamation of the many hazardous debris of World War 2 which annually are found in Italian waters and on land is an activity that falls within the institutional tasks of COMSUBIN. Only in 2016, Marina Militare removed and destroyed 9,000 explosive devices from the Italian seabed.

Below is a video by Marina Militare of the actual bomb blast.

#Napoli i subacquei del nucleo SDAI #MarinaMilitare hanno rinvenuto e fatto brillare un ordigno inesploso risalente alla Seconda Guerra Mondiale. Bravo zulu ai #ProfessionistidelMare!

Posted by Marina Militare on Friday, December 23, 2016