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Police open murder investigation for the missing MSC Musica crewmember Simone Scheuer

Submitted by kgnadmin on

Prosecutor’s office in Brindisi has opened an investigation for murder in connection with the disappearance of the Brazilian crew member Simone Scheuer Souza, who was reported missing from the cruise ship MSC Musica while the vessel was sailing from Venice to Brindisi on 19 June 2017. According to Venezia Today police investigators together with prosecutor Stefano De Milto Weddle, have acquired footage from the cameras inside the cruise ship and interrogated crew members close with Simone who was working in the housekeeping department as a cleaner.

Police have already collected all personal belongings from her cabin and said there are certain suspicious elements at the time, indicating that Simone Scheuer Souza might be murdered.  The case is open against unidentified persons.

Simone Scheuer Souza disappearance was reported by her colleagues after she didn’t show up on duty at around 3:00 A.M on June 19. After a search was conducted in all crew and passenger public areas, ships officers notified the Italian Coast Guard and port authorities stationed in Ravenna, Ancona, Pescara, and Trieste, who launched a search operation in the Adriatic Sea. Croatian Coast Guard has also joined the search operation following the path of MSC Musica in the last 24 hours. Unfortunately, they didn’t find the missing crew member.

Now, almost eight days after her disappearance Simone’s family and her friends demand to know what happened that night. "I want to know what happened to my daughter - said her mother - We are prepared for everything, but I want to know what happened. According to Sousa's family, quoted by the portal "G1", the disappearance occurred after she had a disagreement with her boss and ended a two-year relationship with another crew member.
