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Greece Flood Victims to be Housed on Cruise Ship

Submitted by kgnadmin on

More than 1000 people affected by the massive floods in Greece will be housed on the luxury cruise ship “Celestyal Nefeli” which is already docked in Piraeus. The cruise ship was made available for the people who have lost their homes, following the intervention of the Minister of Shipping and Island Policy, Mr. Panagiotis Kouroupli.

At least 15 people lost their lives and a dozen injured after downpours caused sudden and catastrophic flooding in cities near the capital Athens. In the most affected towns Megara, Mandra, and Nea Peramos citizens lost their homes, cars, and businesses. In Mandra, city which is about 16 miles from Athens, authorities say at least 500 homes and businesses were lost to the surging muddy waters. 

Greek Maritime Ministry announced that those affected by the floods will have to go to the local municipal authorities, which will make a list and hand it over to the Maritime Ministry, which will arrange transfer to " Celestyal Nefeli” The 538ft cruise liner, currently operating three- and four-day itineraries around the Greek islands will be able to accommodate 1.074 people from the affected areas.

Celestyal Cruises is the only home-porting cruise operator in Greece and the preeminent cruise operator serving the Greek Islands and circumnavigating the island of Cuba, year-round. The company operates five mid-sized vessels.