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Brazilian Crew Member Medevacked from Pullmantur Sovereign

Submitted by jozo on

The Italian Coast Guard performed a rescue operation on Tuesday morning near Porto Torres, Sardinia, and made safe transshipment for medical evacuation of a 28-year-old Brazilian crewmember. The medical assistance was requested by the cruise ship Pullmantur Sovereign after a male crew member suffered an acute attack of appendicitis and needed urgent transfer to hospital.

The medical evacuation started at 11.30 am, when Sovereign sailing from Barcelona to Naples, contacted the Operational Room of the Turritan harbor master's office. Porto Torres Coast Guard connected Pullmantur Sovereign and received an information that the patient needed immediate admission to a hospital. The cruise ship was then diverted in the direction to Porto Torres in order to be able to transfer the crew member with Coast Guard boat M / V CP 810.

At about 12.30, the M / V CP 810, a naval unit specialized in search and rescue, has intercepted Pullmantur Sovereign in the Gulf of Asinara about 8 miles from Porto Torres and made the transfer of the man in need of medical treatment. The Master of the cruise ship Pullmantur Sovereign radioed words of appreciation for the professional treatment by the rescue crew of the patrol boat, as these operations require great seafaring expertise. 

The rescue operation was completed at 1.00 pm, when the Brazilian crew member, disembarked at the dock and was transported by EMS ambulance to Sassari Hospital. We like to send our best wishes for his speedy recovery.
