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Video: Girl throws her dads phone into the sea because he spends so much time on it

Submitted by jozo on

This 4-year-old girl has had enough, and decided to take the matters into her hands after her father ignored her by talking on his cell phone. She kissed her dad’s phone bye-bye and throw it overboard. After watching the video many people approve of the little girls' reaction saying that the cell phones have taken over our lives and turned away our focus on what’s most important. You can spend hours and hours scrolling the social media, and tagging your friends, but sometimes the attention that we pay to our phones is really the attention that we should be giving to others around us. 

This was the thoughts of the young girl Alisa, who was having a great day out on a boat in Saint-Tropez with her famous Russian rapper dad, Timati. Alisia really wasn’t playing around, as she kept moaning at her dad to come off his phone, and because he wasn’t listening, she grabbed the phone out of dad's hands and send it to the bottom of the ocean. This video sends a strong message that we often forget that there is so much we can learn from our children and focus on the real life.