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Why Southeast Asia Is The Perfect Region For A Cruise

Submitted by kgnadmin on

When searching for the best region for a cruise, you have many excellent options. There are tons of archipelagos around the world with stunning islands to visit. The Carribean, Greek and Portugese islands, and much of Southeast Asia are all incredibly beautiful. However, Southeast Asia is, to me, the ideal region for a cruise.

Of course, you can take a trip to a Southeast Asian country like Thailand and go island hopping on a much smaller boat. You can find a Koh Chang to Koh Phangan ferry easily, making any trip an adventure rather than staying in one place.

But if you love a good cruise, here is why Southeast Asia is the perfect destination.

Get outside your comfort zone

It’s no secret that some people find traveling a lot easier than others. For them, going to a foreign country and experiencing a huge culture shock is one big adventure. They can deal with the discomfort of a new climate, eat foods they’ve never heard of, and learn enough of the language to get by.

For those of us who struggle to deal with culture shock, spending a couple of weeks in a place unlike any we’ve seen before can be very fatiguing. However, when we’re on a cruise, we can go back to our comfort zone. We can venture out into exciting cities with vibrant cultures, try food with intense flavors, and struggle through a language barrier to bargain for souvenirs. And then we can go back to relax with what we know.

Southeast Asia will be a culture shock, but it’s not something you want to miss out on. Experiencing it from a cruise can be the perfect initiation.


While we classify Southeast Asia as one region, that’s not to say that every island is the same. On the contrary, they are as different as can be. You get a range of religions spanning the various islands, including Buddhism, Hinduism, Islam, and Catholicism. Cultures differ, with people of different nationalities each living their own lifestyle. There are so many different languages to experience, and the range of foods is incredible.

This is why a cruise in the region is perfect. You get to experience so many different cultures, getting a taste of each before moving on. It’s always exciting.

Stunning natural beauty

That diversity extends to natural beauty. There are, of course, tons of varied beaches, with crystal clear waters and glistening sands. However, there is so much more. You’ll find rainforests, mountains, and rice terraces. Your Instagram feed will certainly not get boring, as different landscapes frame your memories.

Furthermore, the sea life is simply incredible. Snorkeling is a dream come true for anyone who has longed to swim alongside schools of tropical fish and other sea creatures, all the while enjoying the precious coral.

There are people who spend years traveling in Southeast Asia without getting tired of what they see. Every place is so vivid, with a lot to offer before you move on.

Southeast Asia is truly perfect for a cruise, diverse as it is in all the most exciting ways.

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