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Cruise Ship Recovers Body From The Mediterranean

The German cruise ship Aida Prima recovered a body of an unidentified person from the Mediterranean yesterday at around 1:30 pm. Prima was sailing from the Spanish port of Malaga to Palma de Mallorca when a guest spotted a lifeless body floating in the sea. After alerting the ship's officers crew immediately triggered a man-over-board alarm and initiated a rescue operation. The passengers were then instructed to clear the open deck areas completely. All guests and crew members onboard were counted and everyone needed to identify themselves. The count survey on board showed that no passengers or crew are missing.

According to the popular Schiffe und Kreuzfahrten a drone was sent, hovering above the person in the water. AIDAprima turned and headed to this position, where the drone is said to have located the person. Ultimately, the crew was able to recover the lifeless body. The website also shared the following statement by Aida Cruises

"On 24th October 2019, at about 13:30 local time, the crew of AIDAprima discovered in the Mediterranean off the Spanish coast a person floating in the water. The captain, together with the crew, immediately initiated all necessary rescue measures. The person who was unfortunately found dead is not a guest or crew member of AIDAprima. 

The authorities were informed immediately and will take over the further investigation. The body will be handed over to the Spanish authorities at the next port. The ship has resumed its journey to Palma de Mallorca in the meantime and will arrive there on Friday, October 25, 2019, on schedule.”

A passenger who wishes to remain anonymous has sent Crew Center the following message:

“Aida prima just recovered a body out of the sea. We are heading to Palma de Mallorca. The mood on the ship was strange until we got the person out of the water. Captain decided to count all crew and passengers just to be on the safe side. I also personally saw him floating facing down. I figured it's a man because of what he was wearing. Light grey pants, dark blue jacket. I first thought it was a dummy, although, they would have said it's just for exercise. Then, after confirming its a real person, we realized why it looked like that; it was bloated after so many days in the water. The person was wearing some kind of diving suit, neoprene apparently.”

The body will be handed over today to the Spanish authorities in Palma de Mallorca.
