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Norwegian Sun Crew Rescues Overboard Passenger

A passenger on the cruise ship Norwegian Sun went overboard this week as the vessel was sailing off the coast of Freeport in the Bahamas. Thanks to the quick response from the crew the woman was located and saved on time. According to a passenger onboard the woman jumped off the ship from her stateroom balcony with a lifejacket on. The crew deployed life preservers within seconds and located the woman using the rescue boat within 20 minutes. The crew of the Norwegian Sun should be praised for saving her life the passenger said.

According to Cruise Law News There are no “official” accounts indicating how or why the woman went overboard, however, there are a couple of messages on the social media indicating that there was an incident with the woman prior jumping from the ship.

David Jackson, passenger sailing on Norwegian Sun, says that the woman was running naked in the hallways just prior to this and housekeeping crew gave her a towel. They said she was very pretty, and was fined $5000. Then she put on her life vest and jumped overboard from her balcony. She was quickly rescued and taken to the ship's infirmary.

CruiseJunkie released the following message by a guest witnessing the rescue:

On the ship and watched the rescue. Happened off the coast of Freeport in very calm waters with the ship going very slowly on its way to Great Stirrup Cay. Crew did great - from my balcony it appeared that the person climbed into the rescue boat on their own.  Very quick rescue.

LATER: So the word in the ship is that it was a young woman. Jumped off her 9th-floor balcony to go swimming. Survived relatively uninjured (a bit of a miracle). Rumor has it she’s in the brig. Cabin 9030 is cautioned taped off. Someone did get full video, so eventually, that will be out there.