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Bring Mauritian Seafarers Home - Please Sign The Petition

Submitted by kgnadmin on

There are well over 2000 Mauritians stranded on cruise ships and their government will not let them come home. Their country has had minimal Covid cases and as the world slowly reopens it borders, crew from Mauritius cannot even get home to their families.

It is time for the world to come together to help Mauritius citizens at sea. We know of several crew members who have lost loved ones at home while waiting, some that have terminally ill partners at home with only days left to live and children who are without a parent while waiting.

The Health Authority and Prime Minister have allowed for only 150 crew members to come home at one time. Out of what appears to be economic gain, they will only use Air Mauritius, citing “sanitation protocols”. They will not allow for ships to anchor and allow just their citizens off and into quarantine. This will taken months to repatriate crew .

Will you stand with us and demand action from the Mauritian government?

We, as travellers around the globe should aim to support tourism only in parts of the world that stand behind the values and rights of their people. This situation, if not handled correctly, should make one seriously consider their own welfare should they ever travel to Mauritius and be in a medical, environmental or humanitarian crisis. If they won’t take care of their citizens, who will they take care of?

Call to Action

- increase repatriation allowance significantly 

- allow an approved list of charter flights from ship coordinated airlines with strict sanitation protocols 

- allow ships to anchor in Mauritius and tender in only crew members who are citizens

Please help your fellow crew members and visit CHANGE.ORG to sign this petition.

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