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Ex Crew member and Author astounded by excellent reviews of her first book

Submitted by kgnadmin on

A Scottish author and Ex Crew Member on one of the world’s best known Cruise lines, has been taken aback by the positive reviews of her debut book that she began writing 20-years-ago when she left life at sea and completed during lockdown. 

Eilidh MacDonald (Wall), who lives in Cambridgeshire, has received glowing 5-star reviews of her humorous fictional novel entitled ‘The Best Worst Mistake’. Among the reviews, one reader said: 

“OMG - Loved every minute of this book. Felt every high and low along with the lovely Jessica. Some really great descriptions of life on a cruise ship and lots of interesting characters - all of whom I want to know more about! Well done on an amazing debut novel and can't wait to find out what happens next....” 

Another said: “Thoroughly enjoyed reading this book, loved the characters and the in-site to what happens behind the glamour of a cruise ship, the hard work and goings on with the staff! Could have kept reading and look forward to the next one!” 

Eilidh says the story is based on her real-life experiences while working on cruise ships in the 1990’s.

She said: “My intent on writing is to make the reader smile. I want you to be sitting on that bus or in a coffee shop and laugh out loud, so the people around you will look at you and wonder what you found so funny. I also wanted this to be a real insight into what it’s really like to work on a Cruise Ship”.

“The humour is imperative in this story for Jessica to deal with the alien and sometimes unbearable situations she finds herself in.

“I worked on Cruises from 1992 - 1997 and the Characters are the heart of the ship and my novel. Whilst much of what is described on working on the ship is true, the characters are my fictional best friends.

“There will be a follow-up novel coming soon, so don't worry”

She added: 

“Life on board is so far from what I imagined and the characters that made up the crew were what inspired me to write about it.  Being in such confined spaces, life is hard enough, but if you don't get along with someone or you have a breakup onboard, it's all public knowledge and you just can't get away from it.  

“No, it's not autobiographical!  It's based on what I know about life and working onboard, but the book is not about me!  Although, like me, the main character she does have red hair and hails from Scotland.” 

Reflecting on the reviews Eilidh said: “I’m just so happy people love the stories in the book as much as I do. It’s a big thing for me to put my work out there so to have such positive feedback from readers is a really great feeling.”

Eilidh can be contacted for more on need your email and phone number here:, 07821 764137

The Best Worst Mistake novel is available as an e-book on Amazon here

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