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Costa Cruises Takes Top Honors in “Italy’s Best Employers” and “Italy’s Best Employers for Women”

Submitted by kgnadmin on

Costa Cruises has been awarded among 400 “Italy’s Best Employers 2021”, reaching the first position in the “Restaurants, tourism and hotels” category and an overall 3rd position as best company to work in Italy. The “Corriere della Sera” published the results of the survey in the weekly newspaper "L'Economia", which involved more than twelve thousand employees, interviewed through an Online Access Panel and Statista, a German digital platform which collected and analyzed the data from different business sectors. The independent survey asked employees to rank on a scale from one to ten their workplace in several categories.

#1 Employer in Restaurants, Tourism and Hotels Category

Costa Cruises is on the top place in the category “Restaurants, tourism and hotels”, ahead of prestigious global players such as Hilton Hotels & Resorts, Alpitour and Marriot Hotels International, which took second, third, and forth position respectively.

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#3 in Italy’s Best Employers Category

According to the overall survey, Heineken took first place with 9.26 points as Italy’s Best Employer, Bank of Italy second with 8.92 points, and Costa Cruises third place with 8.83 points.

Following the news, Costa Cruises said “According to the survey conducted among the employees of various Italian companies by Statista and Corriere della Sera, answering the question “Would you recommed it to your friend?”, our Company was among the 3 best companies to work for in Italy, along with Heineken and the Bank of Italy. We are proud that people have recognized Costa’s will and commitment expressed over the years to make our Company a desired place to work.”

Awarded Italy’s Best Employers for Women

The survey by the German Quality Institute ITQF awarded Costa Cruises as ITALY´S BEST EMPLOYERS FOR WOMEN 2021, the study that honors the 200 best employers for women in Italy. Based on 2.5 million citations, it is the largest online analysis where 45 topics were analyzed, including women, equal opportunities and work.

The research was carried out during the summer, after the pandemic lockdown in Italy, and the global shutdown of cruises, which was, and still is, a very difficult time for the cruise industry as a whole. Therefore it is significant to mention that in a period such as the one we are going through it is increasingly important for the companies to focus on employee support as one of the key aspects. In times of uncertainty, the employees need to have answers and updates from the company about their work, when will be called back, etc and this applies to the managers themselves, who need to strengthen their teams that they have built with continuous communication and care to bring back the team stronger than ever.