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Carnival Dream stops in Funchal to disembark crew member in need of medical attention

Submitted by kgnadmin on

The cruise ship Carnival Dream has been forced to make a slight detour during its transatlantic voyage from Miami to Marseille, France. The vessel approached Funchal, Madeira yesterday and anchored near the port to disembark a crew member in need of medical assistance. The crew member was medically evacuated with a boat and transferred by to the Hospital da Luz by an ambulance waiting at the port. 

The Port Authority has confirmed the medical evacuation of the crew member from Carnival Dream. Two boats approached the cruise ship one to evacuate the patient and the other for inspection by the Maritime Authority.

JM-Wood posted the following photo from the medical evacuation with an ambulance waiting at the port to pick up the crew member.

Shortly after the Dream continued on its voyage heading for Marseille, France, where she will undergo a drydock which will include a new paint scheme to match Mardi Gras and most recently Carnival Magic paint job, which was just done in Marseille.

We wish the crew member a speedy recovery.