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Can I get a job on the cruise ship without Prior Experience?

Submitted by kgnadmin on

If you're interested in working on a cruise ship, there are a variety of positions you can pursue—even with no experience. Whether you want to work in human resources or as part of the crew, you can find a position that suits your skills. Knowing the jobs available on a cruise ship can help refine your job search and prepare you for employment at sea.

When I started working on the cruise ship in 2008, I had no experience, yet I got the job in the bar department because I had a good, positive attitude. It's all about attitude. Cruise ship recruiters are more interested in your positive attitude and personality when they conduct company interviews. This is because the technical part of any job can always be taught, but for a hiring company, it is more about a positive crew member's personality. 

What are the benefits of working on a cruise ship?

Working on a cruise ship provides a unique lifestyle and form of employment. Here are the benefits of working on a cruise ship:

Chance to travel the world: When you work on a cruise ship, you get to visit various locations around the globe. Not only does this improve your cultural awareness, but it also means you get to travel while getting paid.

Minimal expenses: When you work on a cruise ship, you're not faced with many cost-of-living costs. For example, you don't have to pay for rent, food, gas, or cable, making it easier to save your earnings.

Sense of community: Working on a cruise ship means you get to work and live with various people from different nationalities. Not only does this provide you with a great support system, but it also means you get to go out in port with coworkers who've become friends.

Crew discounts: Many ports offer crew members

A variety of discounts on services like taxis, restaurants, and resorts. While you may only visit some locations once, you may return to others when the ship returns to take advantage of these deals.

How to get a job on a cruise ship with no experience

If you want to get a job on a cruise ship, it's essential to prepare so you have a more efficient job search and application process. Even if you don't have any experience, you can still pursue this type of employment. Use these steps to get a job on a cruise ship with no experience:

In-depth research of available positions

If you're interested in working on a cruise ship, research the various jobs you can pursue. Consider visiting online job boards or cruise line websites. If you know anyone who's worked on a cruise ship, consider asking them about their experience and the jobs you can expect to find.

You can typically find cleaning or kitchen jobs with little to no experience. Though these jobs may not provide you with the highest salaries onboard, they can help you advance to more lucrative and exciting positions. Research each position fully to determine whether it's one you really want to pursue.

Choose a cruise line.

This is an important aspect of working on a cruise ship. Once you know the type of job you're interested in, consider various companies or cruise lines. Research each cruise line to understand their culture better and know more about their job openings. Researching different cruise lines can also help you determine whether the company you're interested in is legitimate.


Cruise ships often have various requirements for you to meet, both general and role-specific. Make sure to complete these before you apply for a position. Here are some of the standard conditions you can expect, regardless of the position:

  • - At least 18 or 21 years of age
  • - Language fluency
  • - Valid passport
  • - Visa or work permit
  • - A passing score on a medical examination

Remember that each cruise ship has its own set of requirements, so it's helpful to research positions within specific cruise ship companies to discover any additional qualifications you might gain.

Apply for a cruise ship job

While some cruise lines require you to apply with their head office, others use an agency or hiring partner. Consider the cruise line you want to work for and review the careers section of their website. Once you find a job you're interested in, follow the instructions to submit your application online. Typically, you're required to submit a cover letter and resume.

Cruise ship jobs are known to be one of the most stressful jobs out there. They often include long work hours, new team members daily or weekly, and high-quality standards. Combined with this, crew members have personal responsibilities, perhaps paying off a loan, supporting a family back home, and even simple things such as doing their weekly laundry or studying for a qualification upgrade.

These factors can present a very tiring time for the cruise ship crew. Having a contract that needs you to work seven days a week for six months means you can hardly allow stress to affect you as much as it does on land. No weekends to relax or call in sick to perk yourself up.

Yet, here are a few ways to beat the stress while working cruise ship jobs:

Time management

Getting organized each morning will give you a better perception of the workload expected throughout your day and help you get through it without confusion. Take five minutes from the start of your shift to list everything expected of you and work through each item individually.

Be realistic

once you get the desired job on the cruise ship, you have to be realistic and take one day at a time. After a few weeks on the job, you will learn how long it takes you to do a particular job. When making your daily list of things to do, think about how long it would take you to do each job. If you have too many tasks, speak to a superior about it so the task can be divided with someone else or taken off you entirely. It shows commitment to doing the job correctly and working as a team.

Exercise & meditation

Exercise and meditation are among the cheapest, easiest stress management methods on board. Make sure you schedule some time for yourself; this is essential when balancing the work on the ship and your time off. Cruise ships ensure that the crew has free gyms, swimming pools, and exercise space for their leisure. Exercise produces endorphins in the body, which are natural painkillers. They also promote sleep, which is a great stress buster. Try to learn a bit of yoga and meditation between contracts so you can practice on board before or after your shift. Even 15 minutes a day will do wonders.

Make reliable work buddies

Teammates change often. Someone is always coming and going, but assessing who you can rely on for small things during your workday will help take the load off you. Conversely, offer help when you can so others are more likely to help you in a sticky situation.

Enjoy downtime

All cruise ship jobs ensure downtime. Based on international labor laws, each employee must have off work a certain amount of time. Use this time to catch up on sleep if you are tired or engage in an enjoyable activity. Read a few pages of a motivating book, catch up with your buddies over a beer in the crew bar, call your family back home, or talk about any troubles or issues you face with a trusted friend.

Stay positive

As far as possible, stay positive. No matter what happens, keep going. Sometimes it could seem very difficult and stressful, but you can do it. Your family back home is proud of you; remember that. When you feel the stress start to build, take a short break and consider why you love your job and are there. Think of any positive comments you received or achievements you have made. 

It's hard to remain positive despite all stressful circumstances, but you must maintain a positive mindset. This is the most important thing regarding the work on the cruise ship. Keep it up! You can do it!

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