People who have worked on cruise ships for few contracts know what to expect and what not to expect out of living and working on the metal giants of the open seas. Crew members with experience know that relationships and love on a cruise ships are not the same as on land. Casual sex aboard the cruise ships is expected since most of the times people do not end up on the same ships every contract. This does not mean that romantic relationships and true love does not occur aboard one cruise ship. Even though the cruise ship way of life is a great reason for the end of a lot of marriages and long term relationships, they are also the reason for the creation and unification of some of the interracial and international marriages.
As on land, the same with relationships aboard cruise ships challenges are a reality. If human beings we simple creatures challenges would have never been a part of our lives, but fortunately or unfortunately we are not and the consequences are such life challenges which to an extent make life interesting and when faced and over come, even worth living. On the other hand, if one relationship is not faced with challenges to overcome, then how would we know if that relationship is truly worth fighting and keeping at all. Challenges are the greatest tests for one romantic relationships. In other words, if a couple faces all challenges and stay together after all obstacles, then it can face anything and anywhere.
After gathering experiences from other crew members over the course of the years, we have found that the following challenges are the most common once which couples who are in a romantic relationship aboard a cruise ship may face at one point or another:
1. Most often the cruise line send crew members according to their need on which ever ship there is an opening. The possibility for one crew member to end up on the same ship as the previous contract is very thin. Therefore, the cruise line company may send your partner to one ship, while you on another. Most of the times it is best to present that the couple is engaged or married if the same wishes to end up on the same ship, but even then the possibility is up in the air and based on opening on the specific ship you or your mate end up. Sometimes couples face separation in one contract for over two months until on the other ship where his or her lover was placed and vice versa. This benefit is usually reserved for crew members who have done at least one contract because in a sense they have proved themselves and they are return hires. Thus, if a couple enters the cruise line company in a company they most likely would face the challenge of being separated for a whole contract unless they were born on a lucky star.
2. Even if couples end up on the same ship, most of the times they still have to wait awhile until a couples cabin becomes available. Older ships usually accommodate 4 crew members in one cabin, therefore, cabins for two are limited or usually reserved for officers and staff members.
3. Another challenge that couples face is the different working schedule. Usually working hours on cruise ships are very long and during the whole day. Most of the times crew members would have two or three brakes during work and through out the day, thus if the resting hours of one person don’t mach with their partner's, they might have to be satisfied with nurturing their relationship only at night time.
4. Serious threat for one relationship are other crew members, officers, or staff who sometimes would try to pursue one of the partners from one romantic relationship. All three ranks are a threat, but usually officers are the biggest PIRAGNAHS because they have more time to flirt on a ship.
One way to face some of the challenges with separation is to communicate more often with the partner and maintain the relationship regardless of the distance. Most couples communicate via the Internet or by calling the cabin phone of the other person. Usually Ocena phone calling cards offer option to call crew member on another ship. In order to call the partner who is on another ship, one must know the ships number and the partner's cabin number. Another way to overcome the separation challenge is to remind oneself that it is only temporary and that both are on the ships to work until both can be together again. Finally, if the relationship works out and overcomes the test of separation or the flirtatious officers, then the relationship is real and fighting the office for the right to be on the same ship makes it worth fighting. If it does not, well at least both parties found out that that relationship was not meant to be and both parties can move on with their lives.
Crew Insights
Articles and experiences shared by crew members working on cruise ship. Find out more about ship life at sea together with tips and advices for first time crew members and cruise oldtimers.