Romanian cruise ship waiter Laurentiu, in front of all guests, crew, and supervisors in the dining room resigned from his job. After giving his camera to one of his friend’s to record the video, he took over the microphone got up on top of the piano and said what's on his mind. At the end of the video he throws his vest to the crowd and left the dining room. A crew members who knew Laurentiu says that he was already working 10 years for the company and he knew what was going on behind the scenes and that he was fed up. Another crew member said that HR told him that he was going to get fired! Terrible mistake! The video was recorded on Royal Caribbean Splendor of the seas back in 2010.
Reality on Royal Caribbean.OI meninas! Como prometido, estou lhes enviando aquele vídeo em que o nosso idol Laurentiu deu um SHOW. Faça o download e guardem, isso é uma obra-prima.
Posted by Welton Ferreira on Thursday, January 26, 2012
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