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Mr. President Keep America Great by Saving All Onboard Grand Princess

Submitted by kgnadmin on

Watching the latest statement by the President of the United States after the announcement of the Coronavirus outbreak on the cruise ship Diamond Princess made me sad.

I am not a Democrat, I am not a Republican, I am not American, I am not a number, I am crew member.

I have served many guests from all around the world on board cruise ships operated by American companies. I have met many wonderful people, especially Americans, which as we all know are most frequent guests on cruise ships. Together with thousands of my fellow crew members, we are the key component of driving the Cruise Industry and its remarkable progress in the past decades. Each one, guest or a crew, knows how hard we work and each day going above and beyond the expectations in order to provide for our families back home.

I was never interested in talking politics, and never will be. I am just asking for the sake of all onboard the cruise ship Grand Princess, passengers and crew, Americans or Filipinos, please take immediate actions, as the virus might spread among others, every minute counts. As I said I am a crew member and not an expert in dealing in this crisis, for this Mr. President you have a great team to make all the right moves but the time is of the essence. Please coordinate with the ship authorities and ask them what they need the most. Maybe they need facemasks, gloves, protective suits for the ones who deliver food in guests' staterooms, sanitizing chemicals.

By stepping up the game and taking prompt actions and saving many from the coronavirus you will rise victorious Mr. President, and by doing this you will make America Great Again.

Thank you and God bless Us All.

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