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Court Trial: Crew Member in Love Started Fire on Cruise Ship

Submitted by kgnadmin on

Court trial is underway in Germany after a crew member started a fire onboard AIDACara cruise ship operated by the German company AIDA Cruises. The incident happened last September 2015, when the 35-year-old stage technician Anton G setup on fire a laundry bag in the ship’s crew corridor. According to Bild, the fire spread in small section of the ship and five crewmembers were hospitalized for smoke inhalation.

The motive behind his behavior vas love and jealousy. The crewmembers on AidaCara say that everyone knew that Anton was in love with a on board photographer Eva, but she didn’t shown any interest in him. When Eva stranger flirted on a Crew Party with another crew member, Anton left the party and started the fire. With setting up the fire he believed he could stop the flirtation of the photographer with the other man. 

After the incident he was arrested and spend five months in pre-trial detention. The court will hear all witnesses on board, and the final verdict will be in May 2016.

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