After three years sailing through the German and Austrian rivers, the Milka ship named "Muhboot" has sunk this morning. The sweet ship with a giant purple cow, used as a promotional vessel by the world famous chocolate brand, started taking on water this morning in Hamburg district of Harburg, Germany. The shallow waters in the harbor left only the five-meter-high Milka cow mascot on top of the water.
The 100 ton and about 35-meter long Muhboot was berthed in Harburg during the winter and the reason why it sank is not yet known. Luckily no one was injured.
Local residents noticed the sinking of the ship when the loudspeaker system was activated. In order to make the vessel more authentic, Milka had set "Muh" sounds on the loudspeakers activated during the departure. Loudspeakers were somehow activated while the ship was sinking, and the wife of the shipyard owner was awakened on Friday morning by repeated mooing.