A 24-year-old Filipino crew member was transferred by the Emergency Medical Services in Boston Hospital on October 26th. According to our source, the young man was working on board the cruise ship MSC Meraviglia as a buffet steward for a couple of months when he attempted to commit suicide. The crew member was found in his cabin and thanks to the quick response to the medical teams he is now recovering. Due to the medical emergency, the ship's departure was slightly delayed while the crew member was disembarked and transferred to EMS vehicle waiting in front of the ship. We are not disclosing the crew member’s name or the alleged method of his suicide attempt at this time.
This was his first contract on a cruise ship and the reason why he decided to take this kind of action is not known.
The crew member posted several messages on the social networks suggesting that he needed help. Here are some of his messages posted in the past month:
"Is that so? 12 hrs duty daily, 4-6hrs sleep. Let's just smile. 9 Months of hell here we go.”
“Tired from work. The mind is tired. Tired brain. Tired body. Tired everything. It seems like I'm giving up.”
The crew member’s family was informed about the incident and says he is still recovering in a hospital in Boston. Thankfully this young crew member was saved on time.
After we shared this article a passenger sailing on MSC Meraviglia posted the following photos of the EMS in front of the ship saying "We were guests on board, we saw his unfortunate disembark. Unfortunately, these cases are becoming more frequent. We consider that permanent psychological assistance for the crew on board of the cruise ships is necessary. They work very hard!"
We received the following message from a crew member wishing to remain anonymous “The crew attempted the suicide after discovering that his girlfriend was cheating on him at home with his best friend, the crew member took 12 pills of Paracetamol, luckily the Buffet Supervisor and the Restaurant Operation Manager when they figure out that he was late on duty and his roommate said that he had a fight with the girlfriend connected both stories, rushed to his cabin and saved him on time. Again it is the Maitre'd and the Buffet Manager who saved his life before the medical team."
Update: A suicide attempt by Filipino crew member was reported also on the cruise ship Oceania Riviera.
In the past years dozen of crew members lost their lives on cruise ships. Most of them were young people in their 20s, and for almost all this was their first contract.
They will always be remembered:
- Eduardo Sanchez Smith from Mexico, age 21 ship: Island Princess / Galley Department
- Nikola Arnautovic from Serbia, age 22, Ship: Carnival Fascination. / Aquatic Attendant
- Enis Mahic, form Montenegro age 26 ship: Majesty of the Seas / Bar waiter.
- Arron Hough, age 20, from Sunderland ship: Harmony of the Seas / Singer and dancer
- Alicia Darling, from Canada age 29 ship: Carnival Horizon / Dancer
- Crew member from India age 27 ship: Costa Magica / Dishwasher
- Crew Member from England, age 33, ship: Crystal Serenity / Cook
Previously we have posted an article why mental health professionals are imperative on board cruise ships. Among the main reasons are: High work-related stress overtime and abuse by the supervisors, Extensive separation from loved ones and changes, Basic human rights and freedoms, Enclosed Environment, and Inappropriate nutrition or malnutrition.
In the article “Why aren’t there psychologists on board cruise ships?” Sean Sassoon, former Manager of Training for Maritime Operations explains from first-hand experience how crew members feel during their first contract.
“Once crew members are granted access to the ship, this is when the real stress of sensory overload begins. Nothing can prepare you for the hustle and bustle you are about to experience, from the maze of the ship’s layout, to the location of your cabin, the mess hall, internet café, gym, emergency stations, life raft/lifeboat, uniform details, work locations, buddy/guide, training classes, materials, and the general format of the ship… If I had a nickel for every time I had a crewmember in my office in tears, I could’ve retired 10 times over. Simply put, a psychologist is necessary.”