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Concordia Balck Box reveals “Virgin Mary what have I done"

Before leaving the ship Schettino, calls his wife Fabiola and says "Fabi, I ended my career as a commander."

The examination of the Costa Concordia black box reveals new, shocking evidence. The daily Italian news paper  La Stampa published the details about the dialogues that took place  on the bridge and confirms the rumors.

Schettino was desperate and well aware of the tragedy that took place what appears from the discussions recorded by the black box of the Costa Concordia, the captain says “Virgin Mary what have I done"  a few minutes after the impact of the ship on the rocks of the island of Giglio. By supplementary reports on the black box heard by the Court of Grosseto, it appears that the captain immediately realized the severity of the impact. Shortly after the departure from Civitavecchia, Schettino announces "amm'a ago 'bow to the lily" it is clear that the officers had knowledge of the maneuver.

Few minutes after the impact he receives confirmation of the situation from the Concordia engine room. Schettino asks the Director of the engine room, Giuseppe Pillon, "and then we're going down in practice, did not I see?" Schettino, however, does not warn the passengers giving the order to announce that "there was a blackout. " The situation was clear and instead launching SOS call he confesses to emergency manager of Costa Cruises, Roberto Ferarrini, "Roberto I screwed up." At this point, port authorities where alerted about the confusion and indecision, which will prove decisive for the delay of the rescue and the base of the charges against him.

At 22:06, Schettino announces: "So stuff, do not go to the bottom, at the bottom do not go there. Need to call some tug to take us away." Then the chaos Schettino appears confused and decides to give abandoning ship signal: "Then we have to abandon ship?" Says Schettino to the Director of the engine rooms. "Let me talk to Ferrarini," he continues, while the mate Martino Pellegrini announces: "Go away."

He calls headquarters several times for advice what to do and how to deal with the Port Authority until the mate Martino Pellegrini takes control of the situation.

Before leaving the ship Schettino, calls his wife Fabiola and says "Fabi, I ended my career as a commander," but at the same time reassuring "we hit a rock, the ship is inclined but I'm doing a good maneuver everything is under control. "