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Crew Member Missing From MSC Musica

Submitted by kgnadmin on

Brazilian woman, part of the MSC Musica crew was reported missing yesterday juts before the cruise ship arrived in the port of Brindisi, Italy. Her disappearance was reported by her colleagues after she didn’t show up on duty at around 3:00 A.M. They immediately went to check into her cabin and noticed that the woman was not there. The crew searched staff areas and later extended the search in the passenger areas. Nearly three hundred meters of the ship and 16 decks were patrolled from top to bottom. After hours of search the woman was nowhere to found, and 'then it became clear that she might have gone overboard.

Ships officers notified the Coast Guard and port authorities stationed in Ravenna, Ancona, Pescara and Trieste, who launched search operation following the path of MSC Musica in the last 24 hours by aircraft. The missing crew member was identified as the 36-year-old Simone Scheuer from Sao Paolo who worked in the housekeeping department.

According to Sousa's family, quoted by the portal "G1", the disappearance occurred after she had a disagreement with her boss and ended a two-year relationship with a crew member,

Our thoughts and prayers go out to Simone Scheuer family, friends and colleagues during this difficult time and we do hope she turns up safe and sound.