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Cruise Lines Avoid Faroe Islands because of the whale slaughter

The mobilization against the whale killing of the Faroe Islands embarks two cruise companies. It is the German Hapag-Lloyd and Aida Cruises. 

Faroe Islands are an archipelago of 18 volcanic islands in the North Atlantic, more or less between Iceland, Norway and Scotland. The whale’s massacre is called grindadráp, in the local language. The locals hunt pilot whales for what they say tradition. Every year, in the summer, whales are driven near the beaches and killed by Faroese - old, young, children – with hooks, knives, ropes and the sea turns red with blood.

This brutality has long been denounced by environmentalists. And 'being a real battle for its abolition in the front row who sees, in particular, the Dutch association Sea Shepherd, among the most radical. Different celebrities have given their support for stopping this slaughter as Martin Sheen and Pamela Anderson. Seven activists, including an Italian, were arrested recently in the archipelago, for having tried to obstruct the slaughter. The founder of the association, Captain Paul Watson, leads the general mobilization. He did not fail to involve companies who climb the islands with their cruise ships.

The first responses have arrived. Aida dissociates from grindadráp. In 2013 the company had sent an open letter to Prime Minister of Faro disapproving the slaughter. Now, Monika Griefahn, director for the environment and sustainability of Aida Cruises, wrote to the volunteers of Sea Shepard stating that the company will change the routes of their cruises, calling at Kirkvall, in Orkney (Scotland) instead of Klaksvík, in Faroe, "until further notice". "That, in the interest of our crews and our guests, and for reasons related to the protection of the species."