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Gratitude under fire Part 2

Just say thank you, thank you, thank you…

Wait !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Are you out of your mind ???? Why will anybody say thank you, finding gratefulness in pain and heartbrokenness… 

I promised that I will share some great insights with you …you will start seeing miraculous changes in your life when you use this.   

This is a way to get to the other side.  To feel alive again? 

…if you believe in it…then you will see some changes…

In the beginning, you will see small changes… feel…feel…feel…the gratitude you may start seeing things change…I recommend to you to read “Man search of Meaning”.

If you don’t believe in this…if you say, I don’t have time for this, or this is not for me …you then will also see some changes for sure…I guarantee you…you may see all the things and more of what you don’t want…more of this horrible gripping pain or discomfort you feeling.  

‘When you apply the idea of gratitude to Newton’s law it says every action of giving thanks always causes an opposite reaction of receiving. And what you receive will always be equal to the amount of gratitude you’ve given.”

“This means that the very act of gratitude sets off a reaction of receiving! And the more sincerely and the more deeply grateful you feel 

(in other words, the more gratitude you give) the more you will receive.”

“No matter who you are or what you believe in, no matter where 

you are in your life, no matter what your current circumstances may be, the principle of gratitude and feeling grateful will change your entire life!”

I have a friend in South Africa, he is a brilliant speaker.  His entire life is wired towards being grateful.  When he is driving on the busiest highway between Pretoria and Johannesburg getting stuck in traffic he would say” Yay! “Now I can finish my audiobook.” Finding a way to be grateful for. 

When I interviewed for my position in the Maldives my GM asked me to describe myself to him…I said “I am a glass half full person”  don’t take me wrong I can also moan,  cry and complain, however…I also learned that the consequences of that will bring more pain and disappointment… 

When we got to know each other well my GM always said, you never give up, you never seem to be tired and you always see the best in each situation.  I know you don’t know me well however I can assure you - I do what I set out to do…I travel to places and live in houses some people never thought possible…I dated and befriended the most incredible people. I lived with the rich, famous, and party with the homeless people…

I simply do not believe in the impossible…yes…sometimes I can get there quicker…

My dear friend it is a universal law: “when you are not grateful, you cannot receive more in return. You have stopped the flow of greatness from continuing in your life”. 

“To receive you have to give. It is Universal law.” Gratitude is giving thanks and without it, you rob yourself from receiving everything you want in your life.”

“In short: ungratefulness is when we are taking; we are taking things in our life for granted we are spoiled, jaded or simply to blind to appreciate what we have”.

So what do you do when you under fire…what do you do when you feel like you have lost it all. When you afraid and disappointed and heartbroken.  What do you do when he kissed another girl and he liked it…what do you do when you not getting what you want…when you run out of money and you stuck…stuck…stuck… 

When you in pain you have to STOP…feel the pain fully in all areas of your life…in all parts of your body….allow that pain to become bigger and bigger…don’t move…don’t speak…just feel it…

Go right in the core of that pain and allow it to bring you to your knees …feel that pain – 

Note to self: do not suppress it. Do not try to reason it away…oohhh please do not eat or drink it away…When you feel it you can heal it… 

In our case,…pack up your troubles and start writing about it…just clean it out.  When I was writing my book  “Take off your Mask”  I used a line from Sydney Shelton …vomit it out…get all that poison all that hurt and bitterness out of your veins out of your DNA out of your system…keep feeling and writing until you completely empty…

You see you may get to a point where you become so empty out that you are nothing…that you simply feel nothing…

Some changes my peep through the light… 

In the darkest hours of the night, you may see a reason…you may reason with yourself that even though he broke your heart he just may not be good enough for you…

Or you just may feel the pressure and the burden for keeping up the pretenses is no more needed.  I can write pages and pages full of discoveries you may make when you allow yourself to become so still that stillness become noisy…

When you clearing out and you start looking around you…you may find that you broke but you can still see, speak, and hear. 

You may have picked up weighted but you alive and you can walk and sing and talk.  

With the biggest respect and in total humbles I say the following…You may have been assaulted or raped but you alive! 

You may have lost the love of your life but you have children, parents, and friends. 

You may have lost a job but you have experience and other opportunities… 

Again I am not by any means saying it is easy …I remember nights in my bed when I was just praying and praying 

Isaiah 41:10 So do not fear, for I am with you; do not be dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you; I will uphold you with my righteous right hand. Night after night until I was not scared anymore…

Would you like to see a radical change to your current Circumstances? 

I am inviting you, practice gratitude and make it your new way of life. What I am sharing with you is not new…not groundbreaking things…it is there all over the internet, bookshops, movies, and TV…

Find in the dark corners of your hurt or pain something to be grateful for.  

Until we meet again…
