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Help fellow crew member Sean Sassoon fight for life

Submitted by jozo on
9 years 2 months ago

Dear crew members, your help is needed and highly appreciated by one of our own Sean Sasson. Sean has worked in the cruise industry for the past 14 years for companies such as Royal Caribbean, Celebrity Cruises, Princess Cruises, and Onboard Media and has trained over 100,000 people worldwide. He is author of crew members motivational articles such as What a Resume Doesn't Tell You About a Crew Member.

On Wednesday December 16th, 2015 Sean Sassoon was diagnosed with an aggressive testicular tumor. Sean spent 6 months visiting doctors and urologists for a lump and was consistently told is was a epididymal cysts or infection and thus went through a series of antibiotic treatments.

On Wednesday December 16th, 2015 Sean Sassoon was diagnosed with an aggressive testicular tumor. Sean spent 6 months visiting doctors and urologists for a lump and was consistently told is was a epididymal cysts or infection and thus went through a series of antibiotic treatments.

Meanwhile the lump Sean had grew from the size of a pea to a small peach. Upon his last visit with his previous urologist, he was told the lump would not be removed and was informed that he should wait an additional 6 months before coming in for a follow-up, that often times these issues resolve on their own. Unhappy with how this was handled, Sean proceeded to reach out to friends and colleagues to get another option and on December 14th Sean appeared for an appointment with a new Urologist who immediately made efforts to identify the problem. Sean knew on December 14th he would need surgery to remove the mass that was giving him so much pain. On Wednesday December 16th Sean was informed that the lump was a tumor by ultrasound and further blood tests were conducted. On Thursday December 17th, Sean learned that the blood test identified Seminoma cancer markers in his blood and his urologist was making preparations for surgery for December 30th. On Friday, Sean received CT scans and X-Rays and is currently awaiting news about whether the cancer has metastasized and spread to his other organs. Sean prides himself on being a positive person. He lives by a very simple Life Code: "Leave people better than you find them". Sean thrives on smiles and will often will resort to self-deprecating humor to put a smile on anyone's face.

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