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How to Avoid Seasickness on a Cruise Ship

Submitted by jozo on
12 years 6 months ago
There are some simple steps that can prevent seasickness...

Today’s mega ships are floating city’s and they offer smooth sale thanks to their new stabilizing systems. But sometimes even the biggest ships experience bad weather and big waves

Working on a cruise ship is extremely challenging when there is a rough weather and the ship is moving. Everything is falling down you try to walk straight but always moving left and right. For crew members who experience bad weather for the first time its experience they will newer forget. It is nothing to be shamed off, some old timer crew members also experience seasickness when the ship is shaking. The best thing to do is not to think about it and concentrate on your work. Eventually after this experience you will get your sea legs and next time you will be fine.

Seasickness or Motion sickness causes reaction of your inner ear equilibrium system
to the unfamiliar motion of the ship, which causes stress on the balancing portion of the brain.

The symptoms are nausea, vomiting, cold sweating, dizziness, and excessive secretion of saliva. This disorders tend to end relatively fast.

There are some simple steps that can prevent seasickness:

  • Avoid alcoholic drinks, soda, sweet and acidic drinks or stimulants such as coffee or tea.
  • Eating small portions and often during the journey
  • Avoid foods high in fat, spicy, sweet and easily digestible and prefer, instead, salty ones;
  • Avoid sweets and chewing gum;
  • Do not stare at the horizon
  • Go to open deck for increased exposure to air;
  • Sit with your head tilted backwards.

Seasick pills are provided in ships infirmary and front desk. They are extremely effective, but the pills must be taken before you get seasick,
Other  advices from the experts  that can help  you include patches you stick behind your ear. Close your eyes and lie down and take it easy for a bit. This must be done from the minute you’re feeling a bit dizzy , and not after you are sick.  Other remedy that you probably already know is eating green apples and ginger ale. Some experts go even further,  suggesting that drinking champagne can help you prevent seasickness.

The best place to be on a ship on a ruff weather except your cabin, is in the middle of the ship in lower decks and try to avoid higher decks of the ship.


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