The crew party is held by crew welfare staff and sometimes it is held in a public/guest are of the ship (which is especially nice because it’s an area that some crew are not usually able to go). It’s hard to believe that I have finished two weeks already and two full cruises. In reflecting on this it seems as though some things are getting better, and I am starting to connect more with my co workers, and a some people from other parts of the staff. I still have not found anyone who is like a “partner in crime” but maybe that will come in time…we will just have to see. However, I want to give an update about a topic I discussed in an earlier blog. I mentioned before that many of the people from the same cultural group stick together…and while this is still true …I actually saw the exception to this a few night ago at my very first Crew Party.
The crew party is held by crew welfare staff and it is held in a public/guest are of the ship (which is especially nice because it’s an area that some crew are not usually able to go). This time it was held in one of the poolside bars. Normally we have to wear our uniforms or business casual attire if we are in guest areas but for the party we were able to where anything we wanted…so there were jeans galore! There was food, a DJ, and drinks for purchase. So when I got there it was such a funny scene…it really looked like something out of a high school dance….groups of people just standing around, guys with guys and girls with girls (mostly). No one was really dancing at that time. However, as the night progressed a few people started dancing, then more, and more, until there was literally no space to walk because the entire deck was crowded with people dancing. And like I mentioned before this was the exception to the stick with your own culture rule….because truly everyone was dancing with everyone!
It was also then when the ratio of women to men really became very apparent to me. For those of you that don’t know…there is a definite shortage of women on cruise ships. Normally it’s not so obvious, but at the party it truly looked like there was at the very least 4 men to one woman. Being in the profession that I’m in (teaching) that’s really shocking to me because I am used to being in the majority. It also made for some interesting dancing because there were large groups of guys just dancing around, and the men were flocking to the women who were dancing like crazy! However I will say that this party was not anything like some of the horror stories that I had heard of before…but at the same time I have heard that right now this ship is somewhat tame…so I can’t say what happens on other ships or on other cruise lines.
Anyway I actually did dance a few times with a couple of people, on guy from India, and another from the Philippines. The craziest thing is that both seemed to be interested in more than just a friendly dance. I do understand that these guys are out here with very little interaction with women…but really I’m soooooo not interested in becoming someone’s ship girlfriend or “hooking up” with anyone so their requests for me to come back to their room, or go somewhere after the party were quickly shut down. Don’t get me wrong…I am very interested in learning about different cultures and making friends…but I have been warned about the dangers of ship relationships, and how deceptive they can be. Sometimes people are just interested in a physical relationship, they might have people back at home that they don’t tell you about…and a variety of other things that could be going on.
Another thing that was a bit crazy to me is how we all work, live, socialize, and party together. So, if you are on land and you go to the club…make a spectacle of yourself you might feel bad the next day but you won’t have to face all of those people who were there the night before in the morning, and for many more morning during your 6-10 month contract! However, here on the ship it can be really awkward because the guy you rejected on the dance floor, is the guy that you have to walk past about 5 time a day! So anyhow, that was my first crew party…sort of fun and very interesting to say the least.
Ok…something funny just happened while I was sitting here writing this very entry. A guy came up to me and sat down and started talking to me asked we started chatting and then asked me if I had a boyfriend and such…even asked what my cabin number was. I am sooo glad I had been forewarned about guys trying to hit on you hear so that I would not be surprised. I of course did not give it to him because I really don’t know his intentions…but it’s just gotten crazy around her this last cruise with the men sort of coming out of the woodwork. It’s so ironic because my supervisor (and a few other people on the ship) said that we new sign on would be like “fresh meat” and my roommate warned me that some Pilipino men especially like American women. So I was totally expecting the men to make lewd comments and things like that…but none did…so I was thinking wow..this is great…no one is bothering me. However, somehow this past cruise has been so different…At least no one is making crazy, obscene comments or anything like that…so it’s still not as bad as I anticipated.
Well, I should get going I have to be back at work in about an hour. I am really REALY enjoying these 3.5 hour lunch breaks….but I know when high season comes that will probably change. However, the hours I work are really good, and the lack of a weekend is ok because every port day actually feels like a weekend in 14 days we have 7 port days and 5 sea days and 2 embark days (where the kids are only in the club for about 2 hours) so really I’m not tired at all. However I will say that my hours are not that typical of the cruise ship staff…who do get breaks but work more hours than I do. So that’s the update for now…this is our last sea day so we are heading back to Miami as we speak. Don’t forget to leave me comment please because I LOVE hearing from you all!
By Shareeah Woods
Crew Insights
Articles and experiences shared by crew members working on cruise ship. Find out more about ship life at sea together with tips and advices for first time crew members and cruise oldtimers.