Hour-by-hour comparison of one typical working day of a crew member and a cruise ship guests. Six to seven months contract almost every day is the same only ports and passengers change. New crew members come and you will get some extra time off to go outside take some picture and run back to the ship. Other than that routine an everything is the same.
Time Guests Crew
6:45 am Sleeping soundly Alarm clock sounds
7:00 am Sleeping Shower
7:30 am Still sleeping Coffee in crew mess
8:00 am Asleep Reporting for duty
8:30 am Asleep Working and sleeping
9:00 am Asleep La Gege on work
9:30 am Still sleeping Breakfast and quick smoke
9:45 am Wake up Reporting for duty
10:00 am Steward pours coffee Working
10:10 am Choose from buffet Working Mamagayo Style
10:30 am Choose deck chair Quick Sleep
11:00 am Back to buffet Lunch in crew mess
11:30 am Waiting lido to open Running around on Lido
12:00 pm Back to chaise lounge Running outside to find free WiFi
12:30 pm Too sleepy to read No WiFi outside
12:45 pm Ice cream bar! Quick bite in KFC
1:00 pm Ship building trials! Sleeping
1:30 pm Ice Carving! Sleeping
2:00 pm Back to Lido buffet Back on duty
2:30 pm Short poolside nap La Gege on Duty
3:00 pm TIME FOR RUM DRINK Working
3:30 pm Another drink Taka Taka with the guests
4:00 pm Switch to vodka Having smoke on open deck
4:30 pm Stunning sunset Shower
5:00 pm Lasht rum dwinksh Dinner (rice and chicken again)
5:30 pm Sun drops into sea Back on Duty
5:45 pm NAPTIME Running around for material
6:30 pm Asleep No Material
7:30 pm Asleep Working
7:45 pm Asleep Pinching Material
8:00 pm Get dressed for dinner! Working
8:15 pm Choose five courses Workin my ass off
9:00 pm Order 2nd bottle of wine Working
9:30 pm Flaming dessert! Working
10:00 pm Casino time! Still Working
10:30 pm Win 100 at craps! Almost Kaput
11:00 pm DISCO TIME! Finishing work
11:30 pm "1999" is played Leftover buffet in crew mess
11:45 pm 3rd bottle of wine Crew Bar
12:00 am "We are Family" is played Waiting in line for a beer
12:10 am "1998" is played Having the third beer
12:30 am "Chumbawumba" Having the fourth beer.
1:00 am Last bottle of wine Having the fifth beer.
1:20 am Last dance to "1999" Asleep
Crew Insights
Articles and experiences shared by crew members working on cruise ship. Find out more about ship life at sea together with tips and advices for first time crew members and cruise oldtimers.