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Seamans Club - From St. Martin With Love

Submitted by jozo on
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12 years 7 months ago
Oh yes crew members love the port of St Martin. Some of them love it so much that they leave half of their salary there.

Oh yes crew members love the port of St Martin. Some of them love it so much that they leave half of their salary there. You will see crew members running during their breaks just to reach one place they love the most. This place is the Seaman’s Club where you can find free wifi, make phone call, but what you can also find is the young girls from Colombia, Panama, Dominican Republic etc. Yes, Philipsburg in St. Martin is the capital for brothels according to crew. All of the brothels are located on the Dutch side in the southeastern part of the Island, and all are within about 6 or 7 km of each other. There are around nine brothels on the Dutch side like Le Petit Château, Sunset Retreat, 714, Casa Blanca/Border Bar, Defiance/Kappers, Sunset Retreat etc. But crew favorite is the Seaman’s Club
This is a very popular place and easy to locate. Crewmembers off the cruise ships come into Seaman’s while they’re in port. The place is decorated with nautical items that give it some character. BadaBing In Simpson Bay, is– a nicely furnished nightclub and adjacent restaurant with ladies from Latin American countries. The club Golden Eyes, next to the bridge in Simpson Bay, just reopenened under new management. Even more explicit services are available at a group of clubs in the Philipsburg area. ‘El Capitan’, the ‘Seaman’s Club’, ‘Club Carolina’, ‘Casa Blanca’ and the ‘Petit Chateau’  are somewhat raunchy bars with decent prices for regular drinks… and rates for other services to be discussed with the lady who offers to provide them.

There are lots of stories about crew members visiting this place like the one with the Indian crew member from P&O Aurora. If you are not familiar with the story, back in 2010 the Aurora crew member P.G.  decided to visit the Seaman’s club and enjoy himself. After he enjoyed his time in the Seaman’s club he decided to go back on the ship around 3:45 a.m. After he exited the club he was attacked by a man and shot in the but. It appears as if the shooter was in the process of robbing the victim. However the victim already spend his money and was shot in the butt and the bullet exited through the front of his torso.
The crew member told police that he was attacked by an unknown man with a gun in the alley between an apartment building and the Seaman’s Club. He was threatened with gun and his personal belonging was demanded from him by his attacker. The suspect suddenly covered the victim's mouth before shooting him.


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