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Silvio Berlusconi on MSC Divina

Berlusconi followers will have to spend a thousand euros for being in the company of "The bunga bunga man"

On September 16, Silvio Berlusconi will set sail onboard MSC Divina to try to renew his political successes of the past. This  announcement appeared on newspaper owned by the Berlusconi family.

Back in 2000, Berlusconi set sail the Mediterranean onboard Blue Liberty. Berlusconi embarked with all the leaders of his party Forza Italia. After that cruise the elections were a triumph for Forza Italia, a prelude to the return of Berlusconi at Palazzo Chigi in 2001.

The cruise onboard the Blue freedom  was not without incident. The spokesman Paolo Bonaiuti broke his wrist, and the former prime minister suffered a fever. But the enthusiasm was rampant.

This year Berlusconi lucky ship will be MSC Divina, which will host the former Prime Minister and some of the biggest names of the news paper  "Il Giornale". .

MSC Divina  will depart from Venice, and visit  Bari, Katakolon, Izmir, Istanbul and Dubrovnik, for a rate between 980 euros for the inside cabin, and 1400 euros for cabin with balcony. In short, Berlusconi followers will have to spend a thousand euros for being in the company of "The bunga bunga man".

The former prime minister, current leader of the PDL and owner of AC Milan and Mediaset-Fininvest empire of course, will join the ship in Bari.