Letter from crew member Marcin Martin.
After years of working on-board a cruise ship, I decided to leave. Luckily I got to work in one of the best hotels in UK after that. I left cruise ships on a supervisory position, so I got similar position in that hotel. It took me almost a year to transform that hostile approach to staff, which was slammed into my head by some individuals (mostly Italians). I had to adopt completely different mentality and view of business which was :
PEOPLE• As employers, we will provide a stimulating and ethical environment.We will encourage everyone to express their views and be respectful and understanding towards each other's needs. We believe in fair recruitment, two-way communication and will continue to invest in training and development. Together we will take pride in our staff facilities and the operational efficiency of our back of house areas.
GUEST• We will consistently look after our guests with genuine hospitality. We will continually seek innovative and valuable feedback from our guests and staff. We will achieve the highest possible standards by maintaining, evolving and investing in our guest facilities.
BUSINESS• We believe in conducting our business in an ethical manner. We will develop and grow the business using a thorough understanding of how and why our guests use our facilities.• We will have efficiently produced information that is timely, accurate and meaningful, with appropriate data capture and controls. We should achieve an equitable return on investment.
So, results were outrageous. It all was happening, with very strong support of HR Department, I have learned in two years more that ever, if it is about management, staff development, business. Basically, on daily basis serving celebs and/or AMEX Black holders. Every outlet was a success. Due to family situation I had to leave UK and in the act of desperacy, I went back to sea to work on a cruise ship. Same company, after 4/5 years as a waiter, now seemed like I got to the stone age. Same hard headed ideology "if you help people, they will kick you ! If you kick people they will listen to you ! " Lack of HR training to Hwtrs was first thought got to my mind, they do not know how to treat their staff. People being threatened on a daily basis, which was making me laugh. All based on lack of knowledge and fear of people, which got to US/US market as a chance of their life. But people not knowing their rights. Obviously Mr G-R M had a hard time with me, as I do not respond to bullshit and I simply possessed the knowledge, he had no clue about. It was embarrassing to see him freaking out on some details, that person of his rank should just ignore and let others, to do it. Once, he had a go at me, as he discovered me drinking an espresso in one of the pantries.( I was tired I needed it and I was doing fabulous work for him and the ship). So he had a go twice at me, can you imagine ?! I wasn't able to hide, how I was disgusted his reaction. It was like killing fly using a canon .If it happened in the civilized place, I would have raised grievance and take him to HRHe lost a very knowledgeable member of staff at that moment. Now I am in different business, I got like 150 of my staff.
I never, never let myself make any of my staff feel little or stupid ! And although I am rookie in that business I got people on my side and it gives me huge satisfaction, when I help my guys. My strength is in my staff, they do the work for me, I can only help them, never disturb. I do fire people, after making sure I did everything I could to help them to learn, to understand. But always with respect.I do not believe much in change of this mentality in the cruise lines. They will never understand, that instead of getting a dozen of new joiners every week and wasting weeks and months on training them (or not), they should keep and treat well those who knows how the cookie crumbles in this business. Those young chaps will take ages to get to the point of understanding Kosher, Halal etc. What is missing ? Human approach. Understanding, that you face a person, not talking just about me, I am also talking about everyone else, who was feared to tell for three months on those general meetings, that this bloody crew website doesn't work. Because when someone dared to say anything you were jumping on that person like a bird of prey, like hawk. Such a comedy, Mr Mazzone, made me really laugh, when you finally discovered, that you were wrong for three months. Even your headwaiters didn't tell you that !!!! That showed me how fear you voice of people and how people fear you.
This is not good working environment. Most of all made me upset, that when we were in ports, when obvious was, that less than half manning needed, management used to keep all crew members for nothing. It was showing us, that we should not expect anything positive towards us. It is such a low level thinking. Or giving time off, while crew members had in-port manning. (cannot leave the ship for certain period in case of emergency). I also dared to complaint about some of the headwaiters because of their incompetence and lack of interest in solving problems, talking to guests, when necessary. As a reward I was kept for 1 month and half on the biggest station in the whole ship, which was serving dinner after the tea time. This means, you got to work on cruise ship dinning room on the empty station, when I asked for help, as I couldn’t make it on time before opening the doors for dinner service, I was asked “why you cry ?”. Doors were open for service, I had no even one copy of the menu, not enough cutlery to cover the tables….. So it all took me to finally get complaint from guest, after those six weeks on station with 6 tables for 2, table for 4 and table for 6. It is like eight times starting the service, eight times doing wine etc….. Obviously guests being seated in the sequence, that will never allow you to provide 5 star service. Asking HWTR for help, could only mean night meeting with MDH or nasty comments: “you are so experienced and you cannot handle station !?”. Well I cannot, because instead of giving me four tables of two at once (as I asked you) you gave me one, then two, while I was talking to first one, then table of six, before I managed to take drinks order and then another and then one more, you mug ! Way too much of dirty games, I could be bringing examples without end basically. Where is it bringing us ? It is situation with two losers, me running like chicken without head, HWTR not happy at the end for sure as this is nothing to be proud of. And obviously guest experience compromised, even if reached the standards of service, I wasn’t able to give extra touch.What was needed ? Touch of good will. To seat four tables of two at once, then other even three tables at once again so I can take then at once ! To ask one runner to fill water glasses, tap my shoulder and say, call me if you need.
This is what we call two winners situation. Guests, obviously at different level of satisfaction by the end of the dinner.For me it is only a proof of the fact that strong influence of HR Dept must be in place. Every crewmember must have right to raise the grievance or take boss for an explanatory meeting. And those at higher positions in the HO, should monitor that and listen to crew. Not allowing growth of what was called “mafia” on the ships. None of managers should be untouchable, everyone may be called to HR ! I have to say, this is about individuals, because on the other hand there are people dedicated to their work and understanding the concept. Managers, who understands the need of supporting their staff. Managers who are reaching staff’s respect and business goals without grief and hustle. Making others little doesn’t make anyone big !For those who read this, passengers especially, there is a lot mistreating, maltreating behind those scenes, not everywhere though. There are maitre'ds who motivate people, make them fly to work, but you may count them on fingers of one hand. It is matter of personality, mentality maybe talent. But this can also be learned. I have learned to treat staff well, anybody can do it, but you need a will for that, for making those ships, a better place not only in the front of the house. No wonder Beniamino left this sad place.
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