Amanda from Get a Life at Sea posted a video sharing basic information for crew members if they end up getting stuck on board a cruise ship. This is valuable info especially for the first time crew who have question on this subject.
There are three things to keep in mind if you should find yourself in this situation on board a cruise ship. So number one if you're feeling unwell the number one thing to do is to of course let your supervisor know and then head down to the ships Medical Center. Here you are provided with free services as a crew member. Ship doctor and nurses will provide you with anything that you need whether thoughts just basic prescription medication anything like that. However the important thing to remember is if you're on any long-term prescriptions before you join the ship it is up to you to bring enough prescription to last during your contract. It is an important thing to keep in mind again however all of your medical care is free of charge when you're working on board. That's why all major cruise lines ask from you to do a pre-employment medical before you join.
Number two thing to remember is if you are considered contagious you will be quarantined to your cabin. This has some pros and cons, the pros being you have lots of time to catch up on your hard drive with movies and you'll get some down time. Also you will have your meals delivered straight to your cabin and you get the cabin to yourself because your roommate will be moved out there. Con side of things is that you will need to stay in a cabin for the full duration, usualy two to three days while you're getting better.
Number three the third thing to keep in mind is that if you're really really sick, and you need additional care there maybe the chances you'll be put off the ship in a port that has a hospital so that you can get extended care. There the company would provide you with anything that you needed with regards to a medical treatment, accommodation etc. In some cases, you may also be returned to your home country to receive care there of course at the expense of the company. When you get better you may join the ship afterwards. Hopefully this is answer some of your questions when it comes to what happens to you as a crew member if you get sick on board a cruise ship.
Let us know what was your ship experience when you were sick on cruise ship in the comment box bellow. Take a look of Get a Life at Sea video and visit their webpage at www.getalifeatsea.com for more useful info about the crew members ship life.
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