Diamond Princess Captain Gennaro Arma was honored with the recognition of Magister of Amalfi Civilization for the Byzantine New Year for his role as a leader of the ship that was quarantined for nearly a month in Yokohama, Japan. Known as "The Brave Captain" among his crew and passengers, Captain Arma demonstrated incredible leadership at the helm of the Diamond Princess hit hard by the pandemic, managing to prevent panic breaking lose, maintaining the spirit of the crew and the guest as high as possible under such circumstances. Captain Arma who was also awarded the title of Commendatore by the Italian President Mattarella, has become an icon of duty, honor, and integrity.
During his interviews for the Italian media, he always give full credit to his crew for everything they did, calling them his gladiators. This time was no different, and once again Captain Arma praised his crew for all support and hard work under extraordinary circumstances.
“There have been long and complicated days, we didn't have a manual for a situation which was never seen before, we teamed up to face the situation and we went forward. The crew makes the ship and I am grateful to all 1100 men and women of the crew, without them I would not be here ", he said in an interview for Amlafi news during the first day of the Byzantine New Year.
The highlight of this great man, husband, father, and leader peaks as Diamond Princess number of infected people rise to hundreds as the world started sending their prayers, concerns and hopes for him. His humble yet strength filled response of:
“For all of you who are concerned about me, I’m extremely moved by your kindness and I’d like to reassure you all that I’m absolutely fine. I’m very much the same captain that I was 12 days ago, just with the addition of a few new gray hairs...There’s is so much to do onboard my only concern is looking after the passengers and the crew...A Diamond is a chunk of coal that did really well under pressure.” And even his farewell as he is the last to depart the Diamond Princess the Captain announces that “you are the real heroes of this journey...we will miss and think of you...deserve all the credit...I’m very proud” referring to the crew and staff of the ship who stayed alongside this amazing leader.
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