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Carnival Breeze to pick up the crew from Carnival Victory in Cadiz

Submitted by kgnadmin on

After successfully completing the first phase of the crew repatriation plan in Southampton, Carnival Breeze is sailing to the port of Cadiz to pick up the fellow team members from Carnival Victory. According to the plan the Breeze is scheduled to arrive in Cadiz on May 21, to pick up all crew on Carnival Victory not deemed part of the safe operational manning, along with contractors on board.

Crew Member Reportedly Commits Suicide on Carnival Breeze

A team member on Carnival Cruise Line ship reportedly took his own life today during his final voyage before the repatriation back to his home country. The 29-year-old crew member from Hungary was found dead in his cabin on the cruise ship Carnival Breeze. He had been working as a shore excursion assistant manager for Carnival for the past 3 years.

Carnival Plans To Use 5 Additional Cruise Ships To Send Crew Home

Carnival Cruise Line plans to use more cruise ships in order to bring back as many as possible crew members back home. After the company put in action the plan to repatriate Filipino and Indonesian crew from Carnival Splendor and Spirit, now an additional five Carnival ships will be used to expatriate the crew home.

Carnival to Sent Filipino and Indonesian Team Members Home on Charter Flights

At yesterday’s meeting with Carnival Breeze Hotel Director, the Indonesian and Filipino crew members were informed that Carnival Cruise Line will use charter planes to send them home. The plan for the crew is to be taken by bus from Orlando to Miami Airport with Carnival representatives looking after them, and there will be a team to help to board these charter flights home. The first charter flights are scheduled for the next week on Monday and Tuesday. 

Crew Self-Care: How to Stay Well Until We Re-Embark

Dear Crew Worldwide,

How are you today? We really hope you are managing as well as it is possible in these uncharted waters. We know it’s scary to find ourselves in this new reality with suspended jobs, no certainty and plenty of challenges to come. So, let’s take a few moments and explore the state of our inner world, our inner selves.