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Cunard announces new itineraries on Queen Elizabeth for 2022

Submitted by kgnadmin on

Queen Elizabeth is offering entirely new itineraries between February 20 and May 17, 2022. Sailings will depart from Southampton and will include a voyage in search of the Northern Lights, departures to the Canary Islands, Western Mediterranean as well as a grand voyage across the Atlantic Ocean, through the Panama Canal and on to Vancouver, Canada.

The new itineraries will replace the existing published schedule. Cunard cooperates with the authorities in all the destinations visited to ensure compliance with local health and entry requirements.  Unfortunately, based on the most recent advice for cruise guests, and given the complexities of many of the international destinations involved, it will not be viable to maintain Queen Elizabeth's existing schedule and all departures from 20 February to 17 May 2022 inclusive are now canceled.  

"We hope our guests will be inspired to find a little adventure with these new itineraries.  In a single short program, they offer fantastic variety from the opportunity to experience the wondrous Northern Lights, to sun kissed Mediterranean shores, to a transit of the Panama Canal. To all guests affected by the cancelled voyages we are sorry for the disappointment this will cause and we hope to welcome many back on board when we return to Japan in 2023," said Cunard President Simon Palethorpe.

Guests booked on the affected cancelled voyages will be offered a full refund or future cruise credit worth 125% of the standard deposit terms, and 100% of any additional monies paid.