Cathryn Chapman, spent years working on cruise ships sailing around the world but left the ships because she was disgusted by the promiscuity and betrayal that happens onboard. Today she is an author of the book “Sex, Lies and Cruises". This book is inspired by her experience on cruise ship she has picked up the strangest stories which she experienced on cruise ship.
"When I was twenty-two, I began a relationship with the second officer. It was great, we laughed together and I was always in love. Then one day I went into his room and saw a photograph with a woman and two children, hanging on the wall. They would be on board to see him after few days and that picture was on his way to tell me that. “After two weeks, his family went home and the second officer came back to me as nothing had happened. I was not a saint, but this was to much, "she says.
The story was just an appetizer to the life on board, and soon Cathryn found that such behavior was considered quite normal. She says many men justify their behavior by saying that their wives at home are doing the same. They tried to make me believe that it was quite normal and mutually beneficial. "
"I was dating Italian officer for more than a month. When I asked him if he was seeing other women besides me. He answered yes, I have relationship with ten on cruise ship. I was furious and ran to my best friend to tell her everything. Later I went to the bar, I saw her with the same officer and she was flirting with him. "
There are many cases of officers cheating and abusing their position, I like to mention that this is not done by all high ranking officers and supervisor onboard a cruise ship.
However there are issues that need to be addressed regarding abuse of the power that high ranking officers and supervisors have onboard.
Unlike crew and staff members officers have privileges to bring their families onboard in some cruise lines for free (crew and staff have also privileged rates for their family to come on a cruise). This privilege is sometimes abused by the high ranking officers and instead of bringing their real family they bring escorts on cruise ship saying that it’s their niece or some family member. The escort gets free cruise and the officer gets free sex. However the crew members can see what is going on since a cruise ship is like small village and everyone knows everything what’s going on. However no one is likes to talk about this because for sure they can be fired.
Related Story: Everything you wanted to know about sex on a cruise ship ... but you were too embarrassed to ask
Related Story: Cheating or Staying Fateful on a Cruise Ship?
The other abuse of power onboard a cruise ship by the officers is the power of authority. There is one unwritten rule onboard adopted by the supervisor - Conquer all bellow you with fear and they will follow you with silence. Yes women (crew/staff members) onboard tend to have relationship with officer rather than cook, and officers have many girls. However when officers fancy some crew/ staff member they take what they like not with physical force but with mental force. Now crew or staff members are afraid to lose their job so most of the times they are conquered by the officers or high ranking supervisors. Repercussions if the crew member does rejects to the officer’s wishes are pretty rigorous. Officers can influence supervisor to put pressure on the crew member during her working hours and they usually quit or get fired. The mental pressure is so intense that almost no one can bare it. You need to know that the officers and high ranking supervisors have long history in the company so the form pacts of mutual interest. Therefore no crew member especially someone with only two or three contracts can stand up to theme.
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