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Man Saves Life of Fellow Passenger on P&O Azura

After 71-year-old passenger onboard P&O Azura, Richard Simpson, collapsed and stopped breathing his fellow passenger Maurice Halliday from UK saved his life.
The incident happened in one of the bar’s on Azura around 9pm on Saturday when Mr. Simpson, collapsed and banged his head as he fell down. Thanks to his first aid and life saving skills that Mr. Halliday learned in Light Infantry and then the Military Police he managed to revive Mr. Simpson.

Mr. Halliday says “I heard a loud bang and about 10 yards away I saw Mr Simpson had fallen and had a large gash on his head where he had banged it on the way down.
“I went to his aid and got some serviettes to stem the bleeding. I then put him in the recovery position.
“After a couple of minutes his heart and breathing stopped so I flipped him over onto his back and started resuscitation.
“After the first bout of giving him heart massage I checked but there were no signs of life and so I gave him a second bout and checked again. There was still no life so I tried for a third time and all of a sudden his chest heaved and he started breathing again.”

Mr Simpson is recovering onboard P&O Azura and his wife was grateful to Mr. Halliday.