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MSC Sinfonia Crew Allowed Shore Leave After Positive Cases Drop Below 4%

Submitted by kgnadmin on

MSC Sinfonia crew are once again allowed shore leave in ports the ship is visiting. In an announcement posted on the crew board the ship commander, Captain Massimiliano Rossi informed its crew about the lifting of the restriction:

"I just want to let you know that we have now less than 4% of positive cases on board and this is a great result for all of us.

This means that from now on we can go ashore in port again."

Captain Rossi thanked the crew for their dedication and hard work, and advise them to continue to respect the onboard measures in place designated to mitigate the risk of spared of the virus.

After the ship experienced an increase of positive Covid cases among the crew in the past few weeks, the onboard management announced strict measures in an attempt to contain the spared of the virus. And now it seems that these restrictions helped to lower the numbers of positive crew below 4%.

Some of the restrictions will remain in place until the situation improves and the number of positive cases is reduced even more.

The latest update is that the following safety measures will be in place:

- The crew gym will remain closed

- Access to guest's buffet is not allowed for the crew.

- Pax gym will not be allowed for those crew with privileges.

- Crew Bar will be open only for takeaway.

- Crew lounges will be sanitized 3 times a day.

- Each crew member will be tested once a week.

The crew are requested to wear properly wear the face mask and to avoid crossing the isolation areas on Deck 9 and 10, without proper personal protective equipment.
